Words or lack of it...
I read a couple of very powerful paragraphs on words where the author lamented how they had deserted him off late. I have a very limited vocabulary and I guess that’s why I find people getting bored in my company, because I reckon I speak the same words too many times without building in the beauty of alliterations. But this is not about my knowledge of words. In fact this thought did not arise till I re-read those couple of paragraphs while the radio played the Bee Gees hit “Words” in the background. The famous lines “Words are all I have, to take your heart away”.
Since then I have been trying to visualize a world without words. And the more I think about it, the more depressed I get. I get depressed because I can only recall instances where words caused suffering. I understand that words are a unit of language with a semantic meaning. I also understand that words were invented so that people could share their thoughts. But is it words that define the relations between people? How would the world have shaped if there were no words?
There are so many emotions which do not require the use of words and yet these are the ones that stand out since the time words were invented, for instance, the look on the mothers face when she sees her new born for the first time.
Are words the only thing to take some ones heart away? Are words not liable to be used or abused as per convenience? The problem with words is that they are not absolute. They are open to interpretations. Just like one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Look around and you will see how words have been prostituted for the self serving needs of those in power. And if you do not want to go that far, just look inside your house and see how the same words are used in different circumstances to connote different things.
Even the purest relation of them all, individuals connect with the almighty is corrupted by the use of words. Why does one need the help of words to connect to almighty? Is he not omnipotent and omnipresent? And that’s the reason I think the invention of words was the work of the devil.
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